Crooning | Max Babi

If wounds could speak

I’d be rustling like an autumn tree.

If hurts could swell up,

I’d be wriggling under  stones.


As it is, I croon in my dreams

to lighten the cacophony of life.

Author : Max Babi 

Max Babi is an Indian poet who was born in Cambay (Khambhat), a city in central Gujarat. He was born into an ex-royal family of Junagarh and Radhanpur and grew up mainly at Baroda (now Vadodara) under the loving care of missionary Jesuits at Rosary High School. His mother tongue is Urdu, but by age twelve he had mastered English, being completely self-taught. Seven years of NCC-Air Wing, marching, camps and a court marshall could not remove his slouch, nor his Gandhian values. He learnt flying but gave it up, since he found aero-engines more fascinating. He qualified as a metallurgist but slipped into plasma technology, and so has been riding both careers for 37 years now. He has been writing in five languages since his schooldays, and has been heavily published on the internet and in trade magazines. At present he is dabbling in journalism as well as writing fiction and poetry. His particular writing focus is on the transcreation of Urdu and Gujarati poems. A book is half ready, and several of his stories have been accepted by the Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul series. He also writes regularly for Pune Mirror, a part of the Times of India.

One response to “Crooning | Max Babi”

  1. Alakaline Avatar

    Dear Max,

    As usual, your poem thrills, with glimpses of yet unexplored worlds.
    Thank you for pointing me to this site.


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