Song of Tombs in Tumult | Abhik Ganguly

Can you hear
remnants of whispers
echoing through the
distant lands of death?

Where crushed twigs
like lace, lie at
the taakh1, in tight
embrace of solitude.

The songs of love
sung here – that dwell in my
heart’s cave – guard decadent
tombs in tumult.

Nostalgic scents waft
of those buried with
their hearts emptied
of dreams of immortality.

1. 1 A “taakh” is typically positioned in the middle of the wall and is intended to be used as a shelf for keeping something holy on it, like the Quran or a set of prayer beads (tasbih).

Author : Abhik Ganguly 

Abhik Ganguly is a Junior Research Fellow currently pursuing his PhD at the Department of English, University of Delhi. He has won prestigious events like the ‘Poetry on Spring’ contest organized by House of Harmony 2023, besides winning the Amity International Literature Festival’s ‘Comic Trivia’ which included short story writing and ‘Twitterature’. His works have been published in the Hooghly Review, Setu Magazine, Criterion Journal, Creative Flight Journal, and Room 16 Magazine of CES, JNU. Connect with him on at his twitter(X) handle @GangulyRicky

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