Brochure | Ian C Smith

(from Middle French: to prick)

Former Post Office it shouts, High Ceilings./ Lots of Shedding wryly conjures a verb,/ heart pricked, irony defending feelings,/ warped aged timber edited from this blurb./ Verandas, Porches: ‘ye olde’ the sign’s scheme/ to auction my past, coax the needed price./ All I treasure hyped as a starter’s dream/ clamps me in nothing lasts forever’s vice./ Historic Old Charmer its description,/ that’s me for sale, my mordant transcription.

Author : Ian C Smith 

Ian C Smith’s work has been published in BBC Radio 4 Sounds, Cable Street, The Dalhousie Review, Griffith Review, Honest Ulsterman, Offcourse, Stand & Westerly. His seventh book is Wonder Sadness Madness Joy, Ginninderra (Port Adelaide). He writes in the Gippsland Lakes area of Victoria, and on Flinders Island.

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