The Unthinking | Komal Gupta

Let words be words, said strung on precarious, unthinking lines.
A fall into an abyss, a person’s self-worth, deep down into damning darkness,
no light at the end of a long-winded, long-timed tunnel.
A stranger, a loved one, an acquaintance, a friend,
or that anonymous text on the internet - human made social media mess.
A few words, letters are all that they take.
An upturned smirk, laughing eyes, scorn plastered on faces known and unknown.
Where does a heart, a soul, hurt browbeaten take refuge?
Where boundaries cease to exist in the internet mist.
Why, right at home, the office,
an evil hides, and the unrepentant always spy.
Streets, bright-lit corners are where these vices thrive.
I be who I be,
What you see, imbibe… is your thought a mind sight.
Make me no part of your process,
I see myself as the best, worthiest of the worthy.
I strike across your words hung on airborne lines,
And cut them down to size,
With swords of self-esteem I am armed, make no mistake.
A steeled resolve reverberates even more
with every hurtful word you say.
I rise, I rise over hate fuelled words littered across horizons of sunlit hope.
Each word marked with the seal of non-acceptance, non-belief in what you see, or want me to be.
I stamp my mark across the portals of Time.
I rise, and again I rise.
Author : Komal Gupta 

Komal Gupta is an award-winning Indian poetess and writer. She writes under the pen name of tejaswiniaura. She is an avid reader with a penchant for the extraordinary and mundane aspects of life. A keen observer of life, words to her are an extension of perceptions. Komal continues to push the boundaries of what defines poetry, writing with her unique style of narration and reflections. She believes in the power of words, arts and culture to change lives and impact society in positive ways.

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