Once in a while, the tides turn high, And I go searching for you on the street. On a heavy night with sky cold and dry I ask with my creaking voice,"Has anybody seen her?" The lonely winds carry the words far away "The moon knows her place", the man said. Clearing my cloudy eyes, I look up at the moon. Gray. And I say to the man with a frown, "Not this time, you'd fool me into trouble." The man laughed, removing his magic cloak, revealing himself. I stood perplexed and startled, looking at myself. - my inner evil bloke the same one who lured me, and duped me to find an unreal whim. With my eyes closed, I see her face, long forgotten but now every present not in the world, not the mind, but in love, love, and love. and the man vanished, into a flimsy fog.
Author : Harshit Sahu
Harshit is from Indore, a student and a budding poet.
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