Tushar Sen

Tushar is a writer, poet, author, and screenwriter based out of India. He is also the co-founder and CEO of Boolean Digital Studio LLP. 

He has authored a book titled Pandora’s Box, available on Amazon (bit.ly/TusharSen), it’s a collection of short stories. One of the stories in the book was written and produced by him as a short film titled Zulfi. The film can be watched here: bit.ly/ZulfiFilm, the film is now making rounds in film festivals and it has already won 17 laurels, his second script titled Jasaarat (based on another story from his book) is now in the pre-production stage and has already won 2 laurels at international screenplay competitions. Details about his films and the awards are on his IMDB profile: imdb.me/tusharsen

  • The Waiting Room | Tushar Sen

    The Waiting Room | Tushar Sen