Indunil Madhusankha

 B. H. Indunil Madhusankha is currently an undergraduate in the Faculty of Science of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. While his major involvement is with the areas of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, he pursues a successful writing career as a poet and content writer. He has been able to clinch several awards from some National Level English Essay Competitions. Also, Indunil has written a volume of poetry entitled, “Oasis” which explores diverse dimensions of the society and he has been published in several international anthologies. Moreover, he has undertaken research projects pertaining to the areas of ELT and Sri Lankan Literature in English.

  • Bringing History to the Limelight | Indunil Madhusankha

    Bringing History to the Limelight | Indunil Madhusankha

  • Humans or Beasts | Indunil Madhusankha

    Humans or Beasts | Indunil Madhusankha