Let Poetry Be Graver | Amit Koley

Let that moon be graver;
As the next few centuries see, many hundred crores
Of men and women dip into there,
Let dreams of a few more worlds be flung as beams;
Let those hills stand loftier
With deeper gorges;
Let that moon be graver.

Let the sea be deeper;
Let few worlds dip into that water
Let them remove all dirt of the era of Kali;
Let few hundreds of Mariana be born;
Let some dark be there, for regeneration
On the doomsday when the lights will be off
There be no lightless day, but a dark day for regeneration;
Let the sea be deeper.

Let the poetry be graver;
Let it speak more truth
More thought, laugh, and cry further
Let the overflow of feelings be more spontaneous
Let it knit further philosophy in the society
Let the poetry contradict more the harsh reality
More mum and silent
Let the poetry be graver.

Author : Amit Koley 

Amit Koley is from West Bengal, India. He has completed M.A. in Translation Studies and loves to read and write poems. He has published a collection of Bengali poems.

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