Waiting for that Beautiful Day to Dawn | Indunil Madhusankha

Do you ever reminisce
the endearing times we spent together
sitting on a bench in the park
amidst the towering trees
replete with yellowish jacaranda cascading down
Or how we drew figures on the sand
with the tips of our fingers
while wandering along the sea belt

You promised me
caressing my hands
that you would never let go of them
And, one day, you would clasp my arm
and walk with me to the farthest horizon
Thus we dreamt of the dawn of a beautiful day

Yet, it didn’t take that long for you
to fade from my sight
Along with those sketches on the sand
melting away in the harsh waves
that abruptly broke on the shore

And I have no idea,
how incorrigible my heart is
The harder I try to refrain from lingering
The more I find myself immersed
Despite the awareness of the bitter truth,
I keep praying again and again
waiting for that beautiful day to dawn


Indian Review | Author Profile | B. H. Indunil Madhusankha a part of  the Faculty of Science of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. While his major involvement is with the areas of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, he pursues a successful writing career as a poet and content writer. He has been able to clinch several awards from some National Level English Essay Competitions. Also, Indunil has written a volume of poetry entitled, “Oasis” which explores diverse dimensions of the society and he has been published in several international anthologies. 

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