The Cowboy | Sasmit Powale

You are invisible
Hiding somewhere between
My thoughts and actions
Between the nerve endings, maybe

And my poetry sticks out like tongue
Fingers, arms, body; trying to wrap itself around you
To hold you tightly
To know where you are
To know what to destroy exactly

There are failed attempts
Every time the lasso of my words
Grips tightly around your body
I find myself down in the dust
With the noose around my neck
Stretching my spine

I think I’ve chased you away now
Having shown you just how much I hate
Ghosts and ungrateful people
And Ghosts of ungrateful people
I wear a garland of a thousand shell casings, just in case

But there are nights like these
When I want to call you back
When time finds itself free
And my mind finds itself crazy
They both meet for a round of drinks
In the shack behind these trees.

Its dark and moonlight
I roll your tales in a cigarette again,
And light the fire of mischief
My hungry soul is enraged by your presence in my veins
And I swear my desperate eyes can see you
Dancing somewhere in distance.

Author : Sasmit Powale 

I am a twenty year old aspiring writer and third year bachelor of mass media ; Journalism Student. I started out writing songs and poems in school days and moved on to writing fiction at fifteen years of age. I have come a long way from the writer and poet I was five years ago.

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